Monday, November 23rd, 2015...3:13 pm

Scots Gaelic Language Day

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Gaelic Society of Toronto and the University of Toronto Celtic Studies Program will be holding a day of Gaelic language and song for learners of Scottish Gaelic on December 5th.

Featured guest teachers:
– Oighrig Keough, Gaelic educator from Benbecula, Scotland
– Mary Jane Lamond, Cape Breton Gaelic singer and educator
– Rachel Redshaw, Graduate of Sabhal Mor Ostaig (A Gaelic college on the Isle of Skye)

The event will go from 9 AM to 4 PM, and be at Alumni Hall (121 St. Joseph Street). There will be language classes and song workshops, and there will be three levels of language classes (beginner, intermediate, and advance). If there is enough interest, a Beginner II (between beginner and intermediate) session will also be offered.

The cost for a day is $40, $20 for non-UofT students, and free for UofT Students and native speakers.

Early Bird Registration, last day November 20th, is $27, Non-UofT students are $15.

Please plan to join us at The Foxes’ Den afterwards for a social/ceilidh.

For more information, please call Lorrie at (905)-844-4908 or visit the Gaelic Society of Toronto website (

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