October 13th, 2016
A message from the Celtic Studies Faculty for those of you who knew Prof. Máirín Nic Dhiarmada:
Dear Friends of Celtic Studies,
You may be aware that our longtime and much-loved Irish language instructor, Máirín Nic Dhiarmada, passed away quite suddenly on August 9, 2016. A celebration of her life will be held at St Michael’s College on Thursday, October 27, 2016 as follows: 5.30 p.m. Celebration of Mass at St Basil’s Church, 50 St Joseph Street 6.30 p.m. Reception in Charbonnel Lounge, 81 St Mary Street at 6.30 p.m. We hope you can attend. R.S.V.P. celtic.studies@utoronto.ca
March 2nd, 2016
The Celtic Studies Course Union is holding a joint event with Hart House this coming St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th from 8pm to 1am. Tickets are $10.00 and can be bought at Hart House or online.There will be traditional Irish dancing and Irish music as well as a mashed potato bar and Guinness ice cream. We hope that you can make it out for some craic agus ceol!!!
Ticket Link:

Filed under Events, Weekly Posts and tagged ceili, Céilí2016, ceolaguscraic, CSCU, harthouse, HartHouseCéilí, irish, irishlanguage, mashedpotatobar guinnessicecream, SnaG, St.PaddysDay, St.Patrick, UofT
December 7th, 2015
Garm Lu is a Celtic Arts journal that the Celtic Studies Course Union has been publishing since the 1980’s. We publish academic papers, fictions and art that is Celtic in nature. Submissions in all Celtic languages are welcome, as well as French and English submissions.
If you have a paper, poem, or piece of art you’d like to submit to the journal, please email them to garmlu.uoft@gmail.com
Each submissions should be accompanied by a short bibliography of the author, all photos and artwork should have a title and photos should have a location.
Deadline: January 29th, 2016.
Submissions and Questions: garmlu.uoft@gmail.com
Subject Line: Full Name and Submissions /or/ Garm Lu Question
December 7th, 2015
Concordia University (Montreal) will be hosting the Third Annual Irish and Celtic Studies Conference from January 22nd-24th, 2016. Cost of registration is $15, and general registration will be open until December 18th, 2015. If you would like to submit a paper or presentation, the deadline for that is December 16th, 2015. They will be accepting finished and on-going research papers. Submissions come in two types: regular presentation or a poster presentation. If this is your first conference, a poster presentation might be the best option.
Paper Presentations:
Send in an abstract, between 200-500 words. Papers between 10-15 pages can be submitted in English or French. Presentations should be nor more than 20 minutes long. The option of giving a poster presentation is also available for students that do not wish to give a full presentation. If you are doing a poster presentation, please mention it in your e-mail to Concordia.
Submit and questions and all abstracts to: cis.submissions@outlook.com
Page with more information: Facebook Event Page
November 26th, 2015
If you ordered a CSCU Sweater, please come by our office in Brennan Lounge to pick them up!
November 23rd, 2015
Gaelic Society of Toronto and the University of Toronto Celtic Studies Program will be holding a day of Gaelic language and song for learners of Scottish Gaelic on December 5th.
Featured guest teachers:
– Oighrig Keough, Gaelic educator from Benbecula, Scotland
– Mary Jane Lamond, Cape Breton Gaelic singer and educator
– Rachel Redshaw, Graduate of Sabhal Mor Ostaig (A Gaelic college on the Isle of Skye)
The event will go from 9 AM to 4 PM, and be at Alumni Hall (121 St. Joseph Street). There will be language classes and song workshops, and there will be three levels of language classes (beginner, intermediate, and advance). If there is enough interest, a Beginner II (between beginner and intermediate) session will also be offered.
The cost for a day is $40, $20 for non-UofT students, and free for UofT Students and native speakers.
Early Bird Registration, last day November 20th, is $27, Non-UofT students are $15.
Please plan to join us at The Foxes’ Den afterwards for a social/ceilidh.
For more information, please call Lorrie at (905)-844-4908 or visit the Gaelic Society of Toronto website (http://www.gaelicsocietytoronto.com/details-of-events.html)
November 11th, 2015

The CSCU is hosting a lecture, given by Stuart MacDonald, “A Critical Year? Scottish witch-craft accusations in 1628.”
Come by for an informative lecture on one of the most important years in the Scottish witch hunts. Snacks will be provided. Find us in Carr Hall 103, 5pm on Friday the 13th (this upcoming Friday).
November 5th, 2015

Our annual Christmas Céilí is happening on November 19th, starting at 7:00PM in Father Madden Hall (the main floor of Carr Hall). Come by for dancing and snacks. If you have any questions about the event, contact us on the event page, or e-mail us at cscu@utoronto.ca.
November 4th, 2015
We have a final design for this year’s CSCU sweaters. They are $30 each and sizes range from a S to a 5XL. If you’re interested in purchasing one, please visit our office or contact us via facebook or our e-mail, cscu@utoronto.ca.

The CSCU present our new tartan! Merchandising information about it will be available in a bit. Follow us on social media to keep updated on this exciting project.

– The CSCU
October 21st, 2015

Today’s #wantingtobetherewednesday is Trinity College in Dublin! The campus is gorgeous and while a giant tourist hub, it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit. Photos taken by Ariana Malthaner. Visit their website at https://www.tcd.ie/.